Security Standards for HIPAA Implementation -
Biometrics Direct
III. Analysis of, and Responses to, Public Comments on the
Proposed Rule - NIST
This version includes COMPANY NOTES from Biometrics Direct
James Childers - CEO of ASG
- My NOTES will be
G. Technical
Safeguards (§ 164.312)
We (NIST) proposed five technical security services
requirements with supporting implementation features: Access
control; Audit controls; Authorization control; Data
authentication; and Entity authentication. We also proposed
specific technical security mechanisms for data transmitted over
a communications network, Communications/network controls with
supporting implementation features; Integrity controls; Message
authentication; Access controls; Encryption; Alarm; Audit
trails; Entity authentication; and Event reporting.
In this final rule, we consolidate these provisions into §
164.312. That section now includes standards regarding access
controls, audit controls, integrity (previously titled data
person or
entity authentication, and transmission security. As
discussed below, while certain implementation specifications are
required, many of the proposed security implementation features
are now addressable implementation specifications. The function
of authorization control has been incorporated into the
information access management standard under § 164.308,
Administrative safeguards.
1. Access Control (§
In the proposed rule, we proposed to require that the access
controls requirement include features for emergency access
procedures and provisions for context-based, role-based, and/or
user-based access; we also proposed the optional use of
encryption as a means of providing access control. In this final
rule, we require unique user identification and provision for
emergency access procedures, and retain encryption as an
addressable implementation specification. We also make
"Automatic logoff" an addressable implementation
specification. "Automatic logoff" and "Unique user
identification" were formerly implementation features under the
proposed "Entity authentication" (see § 164.312(d)).
a. Comment: Some commenters believe that in
specifying "Context," "Role," and "User" based controls, use
of other controls would effectively be excluded, for
example, "Partition rule-based access controls," and the
development of new access control technology.
Response: We agree with the commenters that other
types of access controls should be allowed. There was no
intent to limit the implementation features to the named
technologies and this final rule has been reworded to make
it clear that use of any appropriate access control
mechanism is allowed. Proposed implementation features
titled "Context-based access," "Role-based access," and
"User-based access" have been deleted and the access control
standard at § 164.312(a)(1) states the general requirement.
b. Comment: A large number of comments were
received objecting to the identification of "Automatic
logoff" as a mandatory implementation feature. Generally the
comments asked that we not be so specific and allow other
forms of inactivity lockout, and that this type of feature
be made optional, based more on the particular configuration
in use and a risk assessment/analysis.
Response: We agree with the comments that
mandating an automatic logoff is too specific. This final
rule has been written to clarify that the proposed
implementation feature of automatic logoff now appears as
an addressable access control implementation
specification and also permits the use of an equivalent
c. Comment: We received comments asking that
encryption be deleted as an implementation feature and
stating that encryption is not required for "data at rest."
Response: The use of file encryption is an
acceptable method of denying access to information in that
file. Encryption provides confidentiality, which is a
form of control. The use of encryption, for the purpose of
access control of data at rest, should be based upon an
entity's risk analysis. Therefore, encryption has been
adopted as an addressable implementation specification in
this final rule.
d. Comment: We received one comment stating that
the proposed implementation feature "Procedure for emergency
access," is not access control and recommending that
emergency access be made a separate requirement.
Response: We believe that emergency access is a
necessary part of access controls and, therefore, is
properly a required implementation specification of the
"Access controls" standard. Access controls will still be
necessary under emergency conditions, although they may be
very different from those used in normal operational
circumstances. For example, in a situation when normal
environmental systems, including electrical power, have been
severely damaged or rendered inoperative due to a natural or
man-made disaster, procedures should be established
beforehand to provide guidance on possible ways to gain
access to needed electronic protected health information.
2. Audit Controls (§
We proposed that audit control mechanisms be put in place
to record and examine system activity. We adopt this requirement
in this final rule.
a. Comment: We received a comment stating that
"Audit controls" should be an implementation feature rather
than the standard, and suggesting that we change the title
of the standard to "Accountability," and provide additional
detail to the audit control implementation feature.
Response: We do not adopt the term
"Accountability" in this final rule because it is not
descriptive of the requirement, which is to have the
capability to record and examine system activity. We believe
that it is appropriate to specify audit controls as a type
of technical safeguard. Entities have flexibility to
implement the standard in a manner appropriate to their
needs as deemed necessary by their own risk analyses. For
example, see:
b. Comment: One commenter recommended that this
final rule state that audit control mechanisms should be
implemented based on the findings of an entity's risk
assessment and risk analysis. The commenter asserted that
audit control mechanisms should be utilized only when
appropriate and necessary and should not adversely affect
system performance.
Response: We support the use of a risk assessment
and risk analysis to determine how intensive any audit
control function should be. We believe that the audit
control requirement should remain mandatory, however, since
it provides a means to assess activities regarding the
electronic protected health information in an entity's care.
c. Comment: One commenter was concerned about the
interplay of State and Federal requirements for auditing of
privacy data and requested additional guidance on the
interplay of privacy rights, laws, and the expectation for
audits under the rule.
Response: In general, the security standards will
supersede any contrary provision of State law. Security
standards in this final rule establish a minimum level of
security that covered entities must meet. We note that
covered entities may be required by other Federal law to
adhere to additional, or more stringent security measures.
Section 1178(a)(2) of the statute provides several
exceptions to this general rule. With regard to protected
health information, the preemption of State laws and the
relationship of the Privacy Rule to other Federal laws is
discussed in the Privacy Rule beginning at 65 FR 82480; the
preemption provisions of the rule are set out at 45 CFR part
160, subpart B.
It should be noted that although the Privacy Rule does
not incorporate a requirement for an "audit trail" function,
it does call for providing an accounting of certain
disclosures of protected health information to an individual
upon request. There has been a tendency to assume that
this Privacy Rule requirement would be satisfied via some
sort of process involving audit trails. We caution against
assuming that the Security Rule's requirement for an audit
capability will satisfy the Privacy Rule's requirement
regarding accounting for disclosures of protected health
information. The two rules cover overlapping, but not
identical information. Further, audit trails are typically
used to record uses within an electronic information system,
while the Privacy Rule requirement for accounting applies to
certain disclosures outside of the covered entity (for
example, to public health authorities).
3. Integrity (§ 164.312(c)(1))
We proposed under the "Data authentication" requirement, that
each organization be required to corroborate that data in its
possession have not been altered or destroyed in an unauthorized
manner and provided examples of mechanisms that could be used to
accomplish this task. We adopt the proposed requirement for data
authentication in the final rule as an addressable
implementation specification "Mechanism to authenticate data,"
under the "Integrity" standard.
a. Comment: We received a large number of comments
requesting clarification of the "Data authentication"
requirement. Many of these comments suggested that the
requirement be called "Data integrity" instead of "Data
authentication." Others asked for guidance regarding just
what "data" must be authenticated. A significant number of
commenters indicated that this requirement would put an
extraordinary burden on large segments of the health care
industry, particularly when legacy systems are in use.
Requests were received to make this an "optional"
requirement, based on an entity's risk assessment and
Response: We adopt the suggested "integrity"
terminology because it more clearly describes the intent of
the standard. We retain the meaning of the term "Data
authentication" under the addressable implementation
specification "Mechanism to authenticate data," and provide
an example of a potential means to achieve data integrity.
Error-correcting memory and magnetic disc storage are
examples of the built-in data authentication mechanisms that
are ubiquitous in hardware and operating systems today. The
risk analysis process will address what data must be
authenticated and should provide answers appropriate to the
different situations faced by the various health care
entities implementing this regulation.
Further, we believe that this standard will not prove
difficult to implement, since there are numerous techniques
available, such as processes that employ digital signature
or check sum technology to accomplish the task.
b. Comment: We received numerous comments suggesting that
"Double keying" be deleted as a viable "Data authentication"
mechanism, since this practice was generally associated with
the use of punched cards.
Response: We agree that the process of "Double keying" is
outdated. This final rule omits any reference to "Double
4. Person or Entity
Authentication (§ 164.312(d))
We proposed that an organization implement the requirement
for "Entity authentication", the corroboration that an entity is
who it claims to be. "Automatic logoff" and "Unique user
identification" were specified as mandatory features, and were
to be coupled with at least one of the following features: (1) a
"biometric" identification system; (2) a "password" system; (3)
a "personal identification number"; and (4) "telephone
callback," or a "token" system that uses a physical device for
user identification.
In this final rule, we provide a general requirement for
person or entity authentication without the specifics of the
proposed rule.
Comment: We received comments from a number of
organizations requesting that the implementation features
for entity authentication be either deleted in their
entirety or at least be made optional. On the other hand,
comments were received requesting that the use of digital
signatures and soft tokens be added to the list of
implementation features.
Response: We agree with the commenters that many
different mechanisms may be used to authenticate entities,
and this final rule now reflects this fact by not
incorporating a list of implementation specifications, in
order to allow covered entities to use whatever is
reasonable and appropriate. "Digital signatures" and "soft
tokens" may be used, as well as many other mechanisms, to
implement this standard.
The proposed mandatory implementation feature, "Unique
user identification," has been moved from this standard and
is now a required implementation specification under "Access
control" at § 164.312(a)(1). "Automatic logoff" has also
been moved from this standard to the "Access control"
standard and is now an addressable implementation
5. Transmission Security (§
Under "Technical Security Mechanisms to Guard Against
Unauthorized Access to Data that is Transmitted Over a
Communications Network," we proposed that
"Communications/network controls" be required to protect the
security of health information when being transmitted
electronically from one point to another over open networks,
along with a combination of mandatory and optional
implementation features. We proposed that some form of
encryption must be employed on "open" networks such as the
internet or dial-up lines.
In this final rule, we adopt integrity controls and
encryption, as addressable implementation specifications.
a. Comment: We received a number of comments
asking for overall clarification as well as a definition of
terms used in this section. A definition for the term "open
networks" was the most requested action, but there was a
general expression of dislike for the manner in which we
approached this section, with some comments suggesting that
the entire section be rewritten. A significant number of
comments were received on the question of encryption
requirements when dial-up lines were to be employed as a
means of connectivity. The overwhelming majority strongly
urged that encryption not be mandatory when using any
transmission media other than the Internet, but rather be
considered optional based on individual entity risk
assessment/analysis. Many comments noted that there are very
few known breaches of security over dial-up lines and that
non-judicious use of encryption can adversely affect
processing times and become both financially and technically
burdensome. Only one commenter suggested that "most"
external traffic should be encrypted.
Response: In general, we agree with the commenters
who asked for clarification and revision. This final
rule has been significantly revised to reflect a much
simpler and more direct requirement. The term
"Communications/network controls" has been replaced with
"Transmission security" to better reflect the requirement
that, when electronic protected health information is
transmitted from one point to another, it must be protected
in a manner commensurate with the associated risk.
We agree with the commenters that switched,
point-to-point connections, for example, dial-up lines, have
a very
small probability of interception.
Thus, we agree that encryption should not be a mandatory
requirement for transmission over dial-up lines.
NOTE - Who uses
Dial-Up any more? Static VPN using IPSEC is still the
preferred method.
We also agree with commenters who mentioned the financial
and technical burdens associated with the employment of
encryption tools. Particularly when considering situations
faced by small and rural providers, it became clear that
there is not yet available a simple and interoperable
solution to encrypting e-mail communications with patients.
As a result, we decided to make the use of encryption in the
transmission process an addressable implementation
specification. Covered entities are encouraged, however, to
consider use of encryption technology for transmitting
electronic protected health information, particularly over
the internet.
As business practices and technology change, there may
arise situations where electronic protected health
information being transmitted from a covered entity would be
at significant risk of being accessed by unauthorized
entities. Where risk analysis showed such risk to be
significant, we would expect covered entities to encrypt
those transmissions, if appropriate, under the addressable
implementation specification for encryption.
We do not use the term "open network" in this final rule
because its meaning is too broad. We include as an
addressable implementation specification the requirement
that transmissions be encrypted when appropriate based on
the entity's risk analysis.
b. Comment: We received comments requesting that
the implementation features be deleted or made optional.
Three commenters asked that the requirement for an alarm be
Response: This final rule has been revised to
reflect deletion of the following implementation features:
(1) the alarm capability; (2) audit trail; (3) entity
authentication; and (4) event reporting. These features were
associated with a proposed requirement for
"Communications/network controls" and have been deleted
since they are normally incorporated by telecommunications
providers as part of network management and control
functions that are included with the provision of network
services. A health care entity would not expect to be
responsible for these technical telecommunications features.
"Access controls" has also been deleted from the
implementation features since the consideration of the use
of encryption will satisfy the intent of this feature. We
retain as addressable implementation specifications two
features: (1) "integrity controls" and "encryption".
"Message authentication" has been deleted as an
implementation feature because the use of data
authentication codes (called for in the "integrity controls"
implementation specification) satisfies the intent of
"Message authentication."
NOTE - Again, even
though the rule does not specifically call for an audit and
alarm system, why take the chance.
c. Comment: A number of comments were received
asking that this final rule establish a specific (or at
least a minimum) cryptographic algorithm strength. Others
recommended that the rule not specify an encryption strength
since technology is changing so rapidly. Several commenters
requested guidelines and minimum encryption standards for
the Internet. Another stated that, since an example was
included (small or rural providers for example), the
government should feel free to name a specific encryption
package. One commenter stated that the requirement for
encryption on the Internet should reference the "CMS
Internet Security Policy."
Response: We remain committed to the principle of
technology neutrality and agree with the comment that
rapidly changing technology makes it impractical and
inappropriate to name a specific technology. Consistent with
this principle, specification of an algorithm strength or
specific products would be inappropriate. Moreover, rapid
advances in the success of "brute force" cryptanalysis
techniques suggest that any minimum specification would soon
be outmoded. We maintain that it is much more appropriate
for this final rule to state a general requirement for
encryption protection when necessary and depend on covered
entities to specify technical details, such as algorithm
types and strength. Because "CMS Internet Security Policy"
is the policy of a single organization and applies only to
information sent to CMS, and not between all covered
entities, we have not referred to it here.
NOTE - AES 128
Bit is sufficient for ALL information secured by the US
Government up to SECRET level. This should be enough
evidence to convince a Jury (that is the final standard)
that your enterprise is taking sufficient care to protect
Patient Data.
d. Comment: The proposed definition of "Integrity
controls" generated comments that asked that the word
"validity" be changed to "Integrity." Commenters were
concerned about the ability of an entity to ensure that
information was "valid."
Response: We agree with the commenters about the
meaning of the word "validity" in the context of the
proposed definition of "Integrity controls." We have named
"integrity controls" as an implementation specification in
this final rule to require mechanisms to ensure that
electronically transmitted information is not improperly
modified without detection (see § 164.312(c)(1)).
e. Comment: Three commenters asked for
clarification and guidance regarding the unsolicited
electronic receipt of health information in an unsecured
manner, for example, when the information was submitted by a
patient via e-mail over the Internet. Commenters asked for
guidance as to what was their obligation to protect data
received in this manner.
Response: The manner in which electronic protected
health information is received by a covered entity does not
affect the requirement that security protection must
subsequently be afforded to that information by the covered
entity once that information is in possession of the covered
NOTE - In other words - SECURE THE DATA! All of it.
Even if your patient sends it to you by an open email
system. You still have a responsibility to secure all
of the data on your network.
6. Proposed Requirements Not
Adopted in This Final Rule
a. Authorization Control
We proposed, under "Technical Security Services to Guard Data
Integrity, Confidentiality, and Availability," that a mechanism
be required for obtaining consent for the use and disclosure of
health information using either "Role-based access" or
"User-based access" controls. In this final rule, we do not
adopt this requirement.
Comment: We received a large number of comments
regarding use of the word "consent." It was pointed out that
this could be construed to mean patient consent to the use
or disclosure of patient information, which would make this
a privacy issue, rather than one of security. Other comments
suggested deletion of the requirement in its entirety. We
received a comment asking for clarification about the
distinction between "Access control" and "Authorizations."
Response: These requirements were intended to
address authorization of workforce members and others for
the use and disclosure of health information, not patient
consent. Upon reviewing the differences between "Access
control" and "Authorization control," we found it to be
unnecessary to retain "Authorization control" as a separate
requirement. Both the access control and the authorization
control proposed requirements involved implementation of
types of automated access controls, that is, role-based
access and user-based access. It can be argued that the
process of managing access involves allowing and restricting
access to those individuals that have been authorized to
access the data. The intent of the proposed authorization
control implementation feature is now incorporated in the
access authorization implementation specification under the
information access management standard in § 164.308(a)(4).
Under the information access management standard, a covered
entity must implement, if appropriate and reasonable to its
situation, policies and procedures first to authorize a
person to access electronic protected health information and
then to actually establish such access. These policies and
procedures will enable entities to follow the Privacy Rule
minimum necessary requirements, which provide when persons
should have access to information.